Parliament supreme, Gilani reminds army Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Friday said he would not seek a vote of confidence from parliament against the backdrop of an escalating row with the judiciary and military as his government did not want any clash between state institutions.

Parliament supreme, Gilani reminds army
"I have no need for a vote of confidence," Gilani told a special session of the National Assembly or lower house of parliament that was convened by the ruling coalition after the Supreme Court warned action could be taken against the President and premier for not reopening high-profile graft cases.
In a speech that was very critical of the opposition, Gilani said his government did not need the opposition's support to tackle the crisis caused by the apex court's order to reopen graft cases that were scrapped under the National Reconciliation Ordinance, a graft amnesty issued by the previous military regime.
The NRO was scrapped by the apex court in 2009.
"The Leader of Opposition may think we have come here to be saved from the NRO by the opposition. We have not come here for the NRO, we have not come to get an endorsement from the House for NRO," Gilani said.